It seems that the time is going faster the longer we stay here. It's only one week and then we have to go (actually fly) home.
This week has been really freezing cold, with some rain every now and then. But at the weekend it got finally warmer. So we can watch the Winter Wonder Land, which had opened this Friday, and not have to feel the cold.
As the time of our stay here in London gets fewer and fewer, we have to go to all the sight seeing sites we haven't been yet. For instance: I discovered the
Absolute Icebar London a absolut (pun intended) great place to drink wodka. It is completly build of ice and the drinks are served in glasses of ice. The temperature is below zero, so put your winter shoes on. A winterjacket and gloves for the stay in the bar are included in the admittance fee. So pay some pounds for an nearly unforgetable experience in ice and wodka.

As the time of our stay here in London gets fewer and fewer, we have to go to all the sight seeing sites we haven't been yet. For instance: I discovered the