My name is Bianca, I am 21 years old and I live in Rodewisch in Eastern Germany.
After leaving the grammar school I attended two vocational schools, in the first I became a business assistant and in the second training a foreign language secretary so that I could improve my former English knowledge even more. At present I am in London for a six weeks` placement. As I have just been here once, I was faced with some challenges, but gained new experiences too, for example to talk to English native speakers or to see how the people from different cultures live peacefully together. During my placement I worked at the Gospel Centre in Hornsey in the North of London. I worked for a social organization called “Winter Shelter” which provides sleeping facilities and warm meals for homeless people in the course of the winter season. I dealt with administrative tasks like writing emails, copying documents and attending meetings with coordinators from several churches. My boss and the colleagues were very friendly and helpful. All in all I enjoyed the placement very much and would like to come back to London as soon as possible.